MDAS Give Hope Campaign
Date: 1 November 2021 – 31 March 2022
During this festive period, we want to spread the spirit of love and giving by raising awareness of muscular dystrophy (MD). Along with our own fundraising efforts, we have some friends of MDAS who will be spearheading their own fundraising campaigns as well. Join us in this multi-part campaign to give hope to our members.
Here are the fundraisers under this Give Hope Campaign:
MDAS Virtual Gala 2021 – Caring For Our Caregivers
Give Hope and Raise with Faith
MDAS Give Hope * Gift MD members a 2nd chance at life
MDAS Give Hope – Help patients suffering from Muscular Dystrophy
Support Families Raising Children with Muscular Dystrophy
All donation via our Give Hope Campaign from 1 November to 31 March 2022 will be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar matching grant from Tote Board and the Government.
MDAS is committed to uplifting the lives of children and adults living with MD. As a dedicated group, we understand the challenges they face, and as such, our programmes and services are aimed at enhancing the quality of life for these families. These range from life-skills training and health education to physiotherapy, respite care and financial-related assistance. Our support ensures that every life journey of a person with MD is cared for holistically.
Your generous donation* will go towards supporting MDAS’s operating expenditure in providing programmes, services, all supporting costs for over 500 beneficiaries and sustaining its operating activities. Tote Board and the Government will also contribute dollar-for-dollar matching for every donation for this event!
Be our strength. Join us in the fight against MD.
*Donations $50 and above are eligible for a 250% tax exemption upon request.
Alternatively, you can donate to us via cheque.
Please issue your donation cheque to: MDAS
Mail this REPLY FORM together with the cheque to:
9 Bishan Place #06-04 Junction 8 Singapore 579837